Wednesday, March 24, 2010


HI AGAIN:) Sorry I've been abandoning this blog for 1 MONTH AND 9 DAYS. Well, too much has been happening. Exams, holidays, Games Carnival, heartbreaks, get-back-togethers, crushes, fights(non-physical), etc. I didn't want to blog 'cause like I knew I couldn't post everything. That would make me feel guilty. So I just took the easy way out and didn't blog at all:) Acceptable excuse?

TOPIC 1 - Exams
It wasn't as hard as I expected :D But apparently no one got an A in Science :O.

TOPIC 2 - Holidays:)
I went to Penang and stayed in HARD ROCK HOTEL. I think the group KISS is fascinating now XD I missed 3 cheer practises due to that. AH WELL.

TOPIC 3 - Games Carnival
WE WON HOUSE DECO. Though Helang tied with us.

I only played Water Polo. We beat Beruang 7-3 and got into the finals against Helang:) The game ended 1-2. Helang beat us. I scored the only goal against them. The game was a little unfair though 'cause they shortened the game as it was past 3.30pm. And other things that made it unfair which I will not state here.
Michelle and I hung out together a lot and I found out a ton about her _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ;). YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.

But the last day was the awesomest.
1. Cass and her issues surfaced.

2. Michelle, Shen Lynn, Marcus, Zane and I were getting hyper. (Well, Zane not really 'cause some people know why) 'Cause Michelle, ShenLynn and I knew what was happening between him and someone, we asked Marcus to ask Zane why he was sad to see whether he would say what really happened. Marcus (blur case) said to him, "Eh Zane, you sad meh?"
The 3 of us couldn't stop laughing.

3. Farah, Zane and Marcus didn't want Coach Serhiy(pronounced as Sergei) to see them. I tried to explain this to Amanda Lee and she was like "OHHH. Coach Serhiy(she pronounced it wrongly" and I was like "NOOO! SERGEI" out loud and 3 of them were like "SHUTUP!" Then I screamed "COACH, FARAH, ZANE AND MARCUS ARE HERE!" I sorta figured that we already gave the game away:)

4. Daevina and I started throwing a Frisbee around. The rule was each time you drop, you have to do 1 pushup. Then I started throwing it really high as, some of you might know, Daevina is vertically challenged:) SUPER FUN.

5. Michelle, ShenLynn and I were throwing a volleyball around. I stole it from Colin, Eugene and Wai Kheng. There were 2 balls, one new one and one cacat one. I took the new one and they wanted it back. So they came to us and said lets all play together. I threw them the ball and they walked away with the new ball and threw the old ball at us. I picked it up and threw it at Eugene's head. I must say that WaterPolo training paid off 'cause I hit him right on the head XD AWESOME ME. Later I asked him how was his head, he said HEADACHE.

6. Zane and Marcus were talking and Michelle was curious about what they were talking about. So she asked me, "Do you READ-LIP? Super funnay. In case you didn't get it, it is actually LIP-READ not read-lip. It's really ironic 'cause the day before, she corrected Yehbonne for saying "Don't STAB-BACK me."

7. It started raining so the teachers didn't let us stay in the field. ShenLynn, Michelle, Farah, Zi and I started playing TRUTH OR DARE. The memorable ones are when they dared me to wish some random person HAPPY UNBIRTHDAY. I did it mind you. Then we dared Bernard to stand on a chair and shout LOOK OVER THERE. He actually did it. And people actually looked. Bernard dared Marcus to go to a group of Year 11s and say YO WASSUP. It didn't happen. We wanted to dare ShenLynn to CARTWHEEL around the canteen but she chose TRUTH. TO MOST PEOPLE WHO CHOSE TRUTH, BERNARD ASKED THEM "WHO DO YOU LIKE?" -.-

TOPIC 4 - Heartbreaks
I broke up my couple No. 4. There was another heartbreak that I'm not supposed to talk about.

TOPIC 5 - Get-back-togethers
Couple No. 4 got back together 1 day after I broke them up. I think I'm losing my touch:(

TOPIC 6 - Crushes
It's really weird 'cause everybody is falling for the same guy :O

TOPIC 7 - Fights(non-physical)
Me and CASS:( We're friends again though
Me and Leanne:( Same thing


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