Friday, January 30, 2009

central market rocks:)

good byes were said. thank goodness no crying. i'm not seeing kat anymore until next, next year:'( anyways, today was super x100 fun. kat spent like more than RM 50. so much for thriftiness. lol. we bought 13 badges between us:)
kat got Cookie Monster & Elmo, Spongebob squarepants (with his hair all messed up and a hair-dryer in 1 hand and a comb in the other) it kinda looks like her huh?:), 2 snoopy & woodstock, one with her name on it, chicken little with its butt sticking out saying 'the end is near':), owh yea, and an X which looks like a 'wrong'. i have the one with a tick soo yea:)
i have a Cookie Monster & Elmo one tooo:) a snoopy & woodstock:) the fish from chicken little (its superr cute:) the tick one, one with BIG RED TRAIN on it and one with Edna from incredibles:)
owh yea:) she gave me a burfday prezzie:) my first one!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

please shine down on me:)

owh mr sun, sun, mr golden sun,
please shine down on me!
owh mr sun, sun, mr golden sun,
hiding behind the trees!
these little children are asking you,
to please come down so we can play with you.
owh mr sun, sun,mr golden sun,
please shine down on me!
as you can see i LOVE barney:)

just a reminder (ahem) my birthday is in 9 days:)
get your prezzies readyy:)

Caught ya!

checkout my new toy!!! its the awesomest.. ahem Sandra. i can't wait for tomorrow:)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i <3 skateboarding

my skateboard. it rocks. i'm gonna be a pro at it.

if i were a butterfly:)

today's lion dance was awesome. the little boy playing the gong was soooooo cute. anyway. i suck at blogging. so yea. i'll just evaporate now. aiyaa. i don't want to go home la. the wi-fi here is soo much better than @ home. and fyi my chinese birthday was on MONDAY. hello. like only 8 people wished me...


will get pictures on soon.